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Image for What’s Next For Women in Wingfoiling

What’s Next For Women in Wingfoiling

What's Next For Women in Wingfoiling The GWA is thrilled to have had a successful 2021 and we are pumped that so many women are participating. More and more female riders are getting into the sport and we are 100% for it! In this article, we break down why you should try winging, what’s coming up for women in competition, and the riders you should follow the tour.

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Image for GWA National Event in St Pierre la Mer, France 2021 | Event Overview

GWA National Event in St Pierre la Mer, France 2021 | Event Overview

18 and 19 September saw the GWA national event taking place in Saint Pierre la Mer in the South of France. Taking place at the same time as the GKA Junior World Cup event, the two events saw a total of 48 competitors. Read more about the competition and winners.

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Image for Top Race Tips from Pro Wingfoilers

Top Race Tips from Pro Wingfoilers

With the introduction of the new Race Class Discipline and with the completion of the Silvaplana race event in Switzerland, we wanted to sit down with competitors Francesco Cappuzzo, Olivia Piana and Balz Muller to discuss the nuances of racing, and explore where this sport is heading. We chatted about how racing differs from freestyle, how they prepare for competitions and what their favorite parts of the race are.  Check out the tops race tips from these three pro wing foilers:

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Image for The 2021 Gorge Paddle Challenge in Hood River, Oregon

The 2021 Gorge Paddle Challenge in Hood River, Oregon

The first ever wingfoil downwind race and wingfoil course race take place at the Gorge Paddle Challenge in Hood River, Oregon, USA.

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Image for GWA Wingfoil Race European Championship 2021 | Day 3 – The Grand Finale

GWA Wingfoil Race European Championship 2021 | Day 3 – The Grand Finale

With the promise of finishing two more rounds, it was still all to play for on the last day of the GWA Wingfoil Race European Championship. In the morning, Lake St. Moritz greeted us with the usual reflection of its beautiful surroundings. This may well have gone unnoticed by our competitors however, who with the end of the event in sight, were getting amped up for some tight battles.

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Image for GWA Wingfoil Race European Championship 2021 | Day 2

GWA Wingfoil Race European Championship 2021 | Day 2

Day 2 of the GWA Wingfoil Race European Championship started with wall-to-wall sunshine, promising an action-packed day. As Race Director Juan Antonio Aragon said at the skippers meeting, “The sun's up, the sky is blue... if there ever were a time for action it's today!"

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Image for GWA Wingfoil Race European Championship 2021 | Day 1

GWA Wingfoil Race European Championship 2021 | Day 1

It's August 2021 and we are back at it with the first-ever GWA Wingfoil Race European Championship, taking place at the beautiful lake of St. Moritz in the Swiss Alps, as part of the Engadinwind.

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Image for Baltic Sea Foil Festival A Huge Success!

Baltic Sea Foil Festival A Huge Success!

The first-ever foil festival in Schönberg was a huge success!

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Image for Silvaplana Registration is Now Open!

Silvaplana Registration is Now Open!

Our next event is live! This will be the first Open GWA Wingfoil Race European Championship of the GWA Wingfoil Race Class.

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Image for Introducing the GWA Class Discipline

Introducing the GWA Class Discipline

On June 9th, 2021, the GWA has established the GWA Wingfoil Race Class to house and develop wingfoil racing for professionals and nonprofessionals on a national, continental and world level.  The wing class discipline will be governed according to the standards set out by the World Sailing Federation. This class will encompass all purely race competitions for wingfoiling. 

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Image for Interview with Annelous Lammerts

Interview with Annelous Lammerts

More and more water sports enthusiasts are adding wingfoiling to their list of sports. Pro kiteboarder Annelous Lammerts was on the leading edge of the wingfoil movement and has been shredding in the waves. We sat down with the Cabrinha team rider to glean insight on how to maximize sessions, learn faster and get longer rides!

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Image for Everything you need to know about learning to wingfoil

Everything you need to know about learning to wingfoil

So you want to learn how to wing foil? We get it. You want to join the frenzy that is wing foiling. There are many reasons why you might want to wingfoil; you want to impress your significant other, you want to learn to ride swell, you’re bored and want to try something new. You’ve come to the right place--We’re here to give you everything you need to know about learning to wingfoil.  We’ve broken this handy dandy guide into sections, so you can skip to exactly what you’re working on. 

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