Top athletes to battle for new wingfoil wave honours
Maiden tour stop in fresh wingfoil discipline set to be fought out in iconic Cape Verde waves on perfect Ponta Preta break
Maiden tour stop in fresh wingfoil discipline set to be fought out in iconic Cape Verde waves on perfect Ponta Preta break
Today we crowned all of our GWA Wingfoil World Cup New Zealand winners!
It was a stormy and windy morning on the penultimate day of competition in Tauranga, New Zealand. Despite the conditions, we completed 4 eliminations for the men and 11 for the women, with Bastien Escofet and Nia Suardiaz holding the lead.
The competition site was moved again to Pilot Bay, where we completed the full Surf-Freestyle elimination for both men and women.
On day four of the GWA Wingfoil World Cup in New Zealand, the wind finally kicked in, allowing us to advance through Men's Round One with approximately 14 knots of wind.
Tow-in Surf Foil competition for day two in New Zealand as the wait for wind continues.
The 2023 GWA season is officially on! We completed the men's seeding round today at Pilot Bay, Tauranga.
GWA unveils new FreeFly-Slalom race discipline to keep pace with fast-evolving sport ahead of first tour stop in New Zealand
Opening up the 2023 season, the Tip Top GWA Wingfoil World Cup, presented by Armstrong Foils, runs 4 - 11th March
At the end of the 2022 QS season five male and female riders in each discipline propelled themselves onto the GWA Wingfoil World Tour for 2023!
See all the winners from each event in the 2022 GWA Wingfoil World Tour
2022 delivered incredible world tour action. 2023 looks set to step things up even more!