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GWA Wingfoil World Tour to Hit New Zealand for the First Time

Opening up the 2023 GWA season, the Tip Top GWA Wingfoil World Cup, presented by Armstrong Foils, is the first the GWA event in New Zealand or the Pacific.


The Tip Top GWA Wingfoil World Cup presented by Armstrong Foils will run as part of the Waterbourne Beach Festival that also hosts lots of other fun activities and competitions for visitors to see or get involved with. 

Featuring both the Surf-Slalom and Surf-Freestyle disciplines, this first world cup event of the season will be held at Mount Maunganui Main Beach over 6 days of an 8 day window, 4-11th March.


The climate is warm and fluctuates from 22-30 degrees celsius in February/March.

There are two primary wind directions; SW and NE. The wind is usually weakest in the morning and then builds through the day as the temperature rises.

Over this event period in early March you can expect to see wind strengths of 10-18 knots each day in the afternoons. Although it is not a super windy location, it is suitable most days with the sea breezes building up to 15-25 knots maximum.

Sea breezes usually kick in around 1pm and the wind can then often stay strong until around 6pm if there is a strong thermal.

Stronger, more frontal winds are possible but these are not very common during the event period at this time of year.


The primary location will be at Mt Maunganui Main beach which is east facing. This is a wavey location which often sees nice rolling waves and there can also be some shore-break to deal with on the inside. If waves are large the organisers could organise a launch on the south side of Leisure Island and have buoys set-up for athletes to have their equipment stored outside the shore-break (this however is unlikely as summer time does not see huge winter swells).

If conditions are not suitable, or winds are from an unfavourable direction, the competition could be switched to the harbour side which is a flat water location.

Pilot Bay, on the west side, is another flat water location, though is more tidal and can only be used 2-3 hours either side of high tide.


  • Location: Mount Maunganui, Tauranga, New Zealand
  • Dates: 4-11 March
  • The official Race Notice and event schedule can be found here.
  • All event information is here.

Stay on top of everything about the event in New Zealand by clicking event news.

Liveticker will be updated throughout the day. Event highlight video will be published next morning. Written reports will be posted to the website at the end of each competition day.


Fly into the main airport, Auckland International. To get to Mount Maunganui you will need to have a connecting domestic flight to Tauranga Airport (45 minute flight). Uber and taxis are available from the airport.

Many of the accommodation options are located within walking distance to the event site, local bars, restaurants and shops. However, if your accommodation is not near the event site then there are many options available for car rental in the area.


Opening Ceremony
March 3rd (time TBC) welcoming all GWA athletes. The ceremony will include a Powhiri spiritual and cultural ceremony, performed by the local iwi (Māori Tribe).

Long Distance Downwind Wingfoil Race
A distance of approximately 15 kilometres, free entry to all GWA athletes to compete alongside local athletes.

Stand-Up Paddleboarding Championships
March 11th (back-up day March 12th) – GWA athletes are welcome to compete in this race and will not be required to pay an entry fee.

Music Festival on the beach
March 4th. Free entry to all GWA athletes and supporters.

Music Festival with International Artists at Soper Reserve
March 11th 3pm onwards. Half price tickets for athletes. Contact Kirsty at kb@squidgroup.co.nz to receive a discount code.

Schools Program
March 8th – a learn to paddleboard and learn to foil water safety program for local schools.

New Zealand Beach Volleyball Championships
Matches will be played during both weekends of the event.

+ Ice Cream (Free Tip Top Ice Cream for all GWA athletes)
+ Food Trucks 

Closing Ceremony
March 11th (time TBC).



General information about the region can be found on Tourism Bay of Plenty website: www.bayofplentynz.com


Covid-19 pre-departure testing and vaccination requirements are no longer required for entry into New Zealand. On entry to New Zealand, travellers will be provided with a packet of Rapid Antigen Tests (RATs). It is recommended that you test the day of or the day after your arrival, and the fifth or sixth day from your arrival.

For more information follow this link: immi.homeaffairs.gov.au



The official GWA Wingfoil World Tour web page for the event will feature the livestream, live heat ladders, scores and more – here.

Find the official GWA Wingfoil World Tour competition rulebook here.

Follow the GWA Wingfoil World Tour: Facebook / Instagram / TikTok/ LinkedIn 

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