Spot Info: Pozo Izquierdo, Gran Canaria
The weather in Gran Canaria, Spain, during July ranges around 25-30 degrees Celsius with sunrise around 07:15 and sunset at 21:00.
Wind and water
Gran Canaria enjoys great wind in July. Pozo Izquierdo is famous for its strong winds. The wind regularly blows 30+ knots, with gusts up to 40+ knots. The wind direction is from the north/north-east, blowing onshore at Pozo Izquierdo Beach. The strong wind creates decent chop and some wind swell that can break on the reef at low tide. The water temperature is 23-24C, so a shorty or summer wetsuit is a good idea.
Spot Info: Sotavento, Fuerteventura
The weather in Fuerteventura, Spain, during July, ranges around 25-30C with sunrise around 07:15 and sunset at 21:00.
Wind and water
July is a great month for wind in Fuerteventura. The wind regularly blows 20-25+ knots, coming from the north/north-east, which blows side offshore T Sotavento. The water is choppy with occasional kickers rolling in with the swell. Water temperature is 23-24 C, so bring a shorty or summer wetsuit.